September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

Tuesday, November 20, 2001 11:46 AM

Victims Compensation Fund Comments

I unfortunately lost my father on 9/11 due to the horrific terrorist attacks on
the WTC. Although I am pleased that the government is establishing a "fund" to
compensate those victims and families directly affected by the attack; I do see
some flaws with this process:

Why is it taking so long to get this started? The families need money now,
not later.

How can you actually say to a family who lost a loved one that " any life
insurance proceeds that you received will be deducted from the government
compensation"? It looks like you are "punishing" the families who had life
insurance! This is unacceptable. My father (as well as any other individual
who had life insurance) paid alot of money for this coverage. Life insurance
proceeds should not be subtracted from the amount the "fund" pays out to the

We are at war & Bush has said "he will use every means possible to bring down
the terrorists". I commend him for this BUT he should "every means" possible
to FULLY compensate the victims & their families.

Why would a family who has gone through such an emotional time, have to sign
a waiver (to not sue the airlines) BEFORE they find out how much
compensation they will receive? This is unfair to all of us! If we sign the
waiver not to sue- it sets us up to receive a minimal amount of compensation.

Give us a compensation figure that you will pay us & let us decide if it is
acceptable. If we believe it is acceptable, then we will sign the waiver not
to sue.

Lastly, everyone has done an excellent job of helping the families. Don't give
yourself a black eye by screwing this up. We already have enough misery, so
please don't make this process any harder.

Thank You.

Individual Comment

Yonkers, NY

September 11 Email: Date



“dojW000405.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed September 20, 2024,