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September 11 Email: Body

Wednesday, March 13, 2002 12:21 PM
Compensation Plan

Kenneth Feinberg
911 Fund:

After reading several articles regarding your appearance and comments on
NBC's "Meet the Press," on March 10, 2002, I have been moved to write to you
to express my anger, dismay and disappointment in you and the 911 Fund and
the treatment of the survivors of same-sex partners.

What does it mean when a country as great as ours "segregates" our heroes
and determines who is worthy and who is not? Who are you, along with the
Attorney General no less, to determine that it is acceptable to acknowledge
the loss of one life and assist those left behind and not that of another?
Shame on you and your organization Mr. Feinberg. And please do not quote to
me your position about state vs. federal laws. These are extraordinary
circumstance we are dealing with and they call for someone to stand-up for
equality and justice for all.

I feel that the following quote sums up my feelings on this matter:

"If September 11 has taught us anything, it's that our patriotism and love
of country transcend our differences and unite us all. It would be ironic if
the generosity of so many Americans in giving to the September 11th Fund
were used to further divide us as a people, and send the message to all that
some American heroes are more equal than others."
Please do not further the divide. Please reconsider your position regarding
the survivors of same-sex partners who suffered the same loss and deserve
the same assistance.


Individual Comment
West Hollywood, CA

September 11 Email: Date



“dojR000633.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed July 2, 2024,