Mark- Photos attached firdevil etc , sorry Doug
Mark- Photos attached firdevil etc , sorry Doug
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September 11 Email: Body
<br>as promised two attached files, one is the face of the devil caught in the flames of a fire in a Montreal tenement in 1997, note the eyes, mounth-teeth, nose, hair, etc.(Mtlfiredevil.bmp) The other, hopefully readable, is an article that just appeared in the Montreal Gazette (newspaper) just recently (Gazette140901.bmp). PLEASE keep me apprised when you put those pictures up for availability. Would like to be able to do a montage of the shot of the tower, coupled with the closer view of the face in the smoke, thanks, Doug, give me your comments on the photo, can get you a print if you so desire. Doug<br><br>sorry, forgot to attach the photos <<Gazette140901.bmp>> <<Mtlfiredevil.bmp>><br><br><<Lion, Douglas (E-mail).vcf>><br><br>Content-Type: image/bmp;<br> name="Gazette140901.bmp"<br>Content-Disposition: attachment;<br> filename="Gazette140901.bmp"<br><br>Attachment converted: maddogs enterprise:Gazette140901.bmp (BMPf/ogle) (000A629C) Content-Type: image/bmp;<br> name="Mtlfiredevil.bmp"<br>Content-Disposition: attachment;<br> filename="Mtlfiredevil.bmp"<br><br>Attachment converted: maddogs enterprise:Mtlfiredevil.bmp (BMPf/ogle) (000A629D) Content-Type: application/octet-stream;<br> name="Lion, Douglas (E-mail).vcf"<br>Content-Disposition: attachment;<br> filename="Lion, Douglas (E-mail).vcf"<br><br>Attachment converted: maddogs enterprise:Lion, Douglas (E-mail).vcf 2 (????/----) (000A629E)<br>
September 11 Email: Date
Mon, 24 Sep 2001 12:44:44 -0400
September 11 Email: Subject
Mark- Photos attached firdevil etc , sorry Doug
“Mark- Photos attached firdevil etc , sorry Doug,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 14, 2025,