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September 11 Email: Body

Friday, March 15, 2002 10:54 AM

September 11 Fund

First, let me start by saying that, as a naturalized
citizen and a self-proclaimed New Yorker, September 11
was one of the worst days of my life. I was two miles
from ground zero, but watching the towers crumble is a
sight I will never forget. And I grew up in a country
racked by bombings (London in the 1970s was not a
quiet and peaceful place).

Secondly, I was horrified when I visited my brother,
who lives in Bali (a Hindhu island, albeit in the
largest Muslim country in the world) to hear the
"well, you had it coming" attitude from Brits,
Australians, New Zealanders alike; they felt that this
government's arrogance and general discounting of the
rest of the world contributed to the attack.


I happen to be heterosexual. I can't help it: I was
born that way. But the idea that a surviving relative
of a gay victim is treated differently than a straight
relative brings bile to my throat.

Heavens. you're not threatened by illegal aliens, so
why by homosexuals? I always think that the most
homophobic people secretly harbor a desire to try it.
It would make my day if Messrs. Ashcroft and Bush were
found in a Lewinskyesque position, but you can
attribute that to the rantings of a left-winger.

Do the right thing: treat gays the same way as you do
illegal aliens.

Individual Comment
New York, NY

September 11 Email: Date



“dojR000838.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed October 4, 2024,