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September 11 Email: Body

Tuesday, December 04, 2001 7:23 PM
Try This ?


The political agendas of the 'Religious Right' and the 'Liberal Left' remain in conflict, as usual, over even the 'little things' here in the U.S., even after Sept 11th when we need each other the most.

But now these agendas are drawn way out of proportion when it comes to dispersment of Sept 11 funds for victims of terror and the World Trade Center.

What I would do is simply render each surviving 'permanant member' of each affected 'Household' that lost it's primary source of income to be compensated.

Lets not balk at elephants and strain at gnats here.

Let the hypocrites do that.

Nobody cared, nationwide, who was gay and liberal and who was straight and conservative when Americans and foreign 'nationals' were working or just visiting the World Trade Center when this evil befell us all on Sept. 11th.

Why should we care now ? It's done and we have lost them. They were Americans, every one of them...somebody loved and cared about them.

Whats left is cleaning up the mess, rebuilding and going after the enemies of the United States who caused all this.

I'm fed up with these petty squablings and agendas of these two politically extreme antagonist. They need to go get a life and keep their noses out of other people's affairs. It's hypocrisy. We have bigger fish to fry which is the war on terrorism and unemployment/economy issues and learning how to protect ourselves against terrorism here at home.

"Terrorism does not discriminate".

"Our plates are full with this, in and of itself".

It is both secular and religious hypocrisy to exclude 'Permanant Household' survivors along religious lines and also, secular incriminating lines.

We can't do least not with something like 'this'.

So just find the surviving 'Heads of Households' and get the lists of ALL who were and remain permanant members of that 'household' who lost their primary wage/salary/ earner(s) and disperse the Sept. 11th funds accordingly.

Let the religious right extremist 'howl' over it because, besides, who else but George Bush and the Republican members in the House of Reps can they turn to push their agendas ? George W retains a high approval rateing...they'll get over it.

Lets be fair about this. This isn't just a 'for families and kids only' type of event. This is for those who were permanantly dependant upon one or more of the victims lost at the should go no further than that.

The stigma of 'morality' concerning the WTC victims of terror were not questioned before Sept 11th. Why should we do this now when we all need to be united against the enemies of freedom ?

We have more important things to do besides putting up with the petty bickering.

We have a long term war to fight and win.

We have an economy to save.

We have the job of bringing world terror to justice.

We have the task of protecting Americans here at home.

We don't have time to put up with the 'extreme Left's agendas' and we don't have time to put up with the 'extreme Right's agendas'. It will take all our time, the government's and private business and plain 'folk' to just deal with what we have at hand.

So lets just DO it, get it done and go on ?

Individual Comment
Cottage Grove, OR

September 11 Email: Date



“dojA000615.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed October 5, 2024,