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September 11 Email: Body

Tuesday, January 08, 2002 1:11 PM
compensation fund

Dear Mr. Zwick

I am appalled and outraged that the survivors of the Sept. 11th
tragedies are going to be compensated by the U.S. government/ U.S.
taxpayers. While I feel that the September 11th attacks were horrible
acts against the people of this country, I do not feel that these people
are owed this money and the amounts are equally appalling.. A couple
reasons stick out to me as to why this should be stopped and I am sure
that there are more.
1. For the government to compensate these people through a special
relief fund, sidesteps the existing welfare system. These people should
have to go through the same channels as everyone else in need. This sets
an unfair precedent that some lives are worth more than others.
2. There are no guarantees in life and life is not fair. These people
do not have a "right" to continue to live a life they are accustomed
to. Survivors and partners of victims need to go and seek relief
through the private relief funds (ex. Red Cross,etc.), existing welfare
systems(ex. unemployment,etc.), life insurance, and return to the
workforce to earn a living.
3. This type of compensation opens a "Pandora's box" as to whom receives
relief and for what type of tragedy. If federal compensation is o.k.
for WTC survivors then why not Oklahoma City bombing survivors, plane
crashes of any kind, armed robbery victims, etc.,etc.? As you can see,
the list is endless. I fell very badly for what happened to these
people and their families but for them to get the compensation that is
being talked about is simply unfair. It is unfair to them and it is
unfair to the taxpayers of this country, of which I am one.

Please let me know what can be done to put a stop to this.

Thank you

Individual Comment
Chicago, IL

September 11 Email: Date



“dojN001451.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed September 17, 2024,