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September 11 Email: Body

Monday, November 05, 2001 4:13 PM
Let's be generous.

I think in light of the assistance the airlines have received and the
president's desire for an economic stimulus package primarily for businesses
that this program should err on the side of generosity. These are not
businesses, these are people and their loss has been great.
Regardless of whether or not collateral source compensation is available,
every attempt should be made to minimize the effort a victims family must
expend to receive compensation. Whenever I, members of my family, or friends
have donated to a relief entity for the victims families we have never done
so with stipulations or restrictions in mind, the sole factor being that the
aid should go directly to support of these individuals. Certainly some of
the people in the World Trade Center, the airliners and perhaps the Pentagon
were well off, adequately insured etc. but this compensation should also be
a statement by this country of our concern and compassion. Time will pass
for most of us and our lives will become ever more normal, not for these
people however. Their loss is permanent and lifelong.
Certainly there are children who's education can be looked after through
this compensation- I don't think any orphan of these attacks should have to
be concerned about a college education. There are spouses and parents who
have endured the sudden tragic loss of a loved that no amount of
compensation can replace- we should be concerned above all that they do not
have to beg for relief from their very real pain and suffering.
I know if I were in their shoes and was presented with a half-hearted,
bureaucratic attempt to compensate couched in the usual form of "well, if
you REALLY need this then just fill out these forms" I would, out of pride
and respect for my loved one, opt out of the program. This shouldn't happen.
We should be the first to show our pride and respect and make this offer
unflinchingly and with true generosity.
I also believe that compensations should remain private and sealed, away
from the analyses and critique of the media- too often it is the media's
slant that provokes consternation where none exists. I don't care if there
are a few who receive inordinate compensation relative to their need or loss
if, in the main, everyone receives a just and fair award. Perhaps those who
feel they have been personally overcompensated will contribute the excess in
their own way- who knows? We shouldn't care.
We are a great nation, we have been attacked by cowardly murderers who
struck at the innocent and peaceful- our message in this instance should be
clear. We are strong, we are compassionate and we take care of those who are
in need and depend on us. Not all the victims of the terrible attacks were
American, our generosity or lack of it will be scrutinized throughout the
world and discussed via the friends and families of all who were lost. It is
far better for those discussions to reflect the compassionate largess of a
great nation rather the piddling minutiae gathering of obsessed bureaucrats.
No other nation could possibly do it as well.

Individual Comment
Salt Lake City, Utah

September 11 Email: Date



“dojW000037.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed September 21, 2024,