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September 11 Email: Body

Friday, January 18, 2002 2:01 PM
Fiancee's concern

I lost my fiance in tower 2 of the WTC on September 11th. We were in a
commited relationship for almost 6 years and living together for 2 years. We
shared an apartment in Hoboken, NJ for one year before making the move to
NYC. We lived in NY for a little over a year and this is where we planned on
buliding our future toghether.
Our Wedding was planned for June 8, 2002
In agreement with a comment sent in by another fiance I feel that all of a
sudden my role in my fiances life seems less significant than that if we
were married.
Is spending almost 6 years with someone ,livng together for 2 years and
planning a wedding less significant than a married couple who knew each
other for one year
engaged for a year and then married for a year before this horrible tragedy
happened? Why becuase a piece of paper says it is legal?. In my mind and in
my fiance's mind we were already married and anyone
who knew us thought the same. We did not need a piece of paper formalizing
our commitment to one another and now in the wake of tragedy who is to say
this is what is right and that I should not be acknowledged as a Spouse?
This is something that should be reconsidered and acknowldeged.

Thank you

Individual Comment

September 11 Email: Date



“dojN002003.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed July 6, 2024,