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September 11 Email: Body

Thursday, March 28, 2002 11:37 AM
Comment re Final Rule/Sept. 11th Fund

This message is for Kenneth Feinberg:
As your former student (Georgetown Law, class of 1988), I am both ashamed
and incensed that my former professor has adopted such a blatantly
discriminatory policy regarding the compensation of victims of the September
11th tragedies. While providing for the surviving spouses of illegal immigrants
(an important humanitarian gesture), your policy would simultaneously deprive
the surviving family members of a gay or lesbian victim of all access to the
support fund to which so many generous Americans -- both heterosexual and
homosexual -- contributed, whether through taxes or donations. Apparently, the
only exception to your miserly policy would favor gay or lesbian survivors
fortunate enough to live in the state of Vermont. The official national policy
should be to compensate any surviving member of a nontraditional family who can
show credible evidence of a financially dependent or interdependent relationship
with a victim of the September 11th tragedies. By looking to inconsistent and
mainly antiquated state laws in the case of gay/lesbian families, yet completely
ignoring ALL laws in the case of illegal immigrant families, your policy
evidences a complete lack of intellectual integrity, fairness, and charity.
Obviously, Professor Feinberg, you have fallen captive to the far-right,
allegedly Christian, forces now controlling the Department of Justice. Where is
your sense of decency, compassion, and justice?
Individual Comment
Boston MA

September 11 Email: Date



“dojR002793.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed July 12, 2024,