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September 11 Email: Body
Thursday, March 21, 2002 3:46 AM
Who Are the Victims?
We are deeply concerned to learn of the blatant discrimination being practiced by "our" government in determining which heroes of 9/11 are worthy of having their bereaved loved ones shown respect. In the aftermath of that horrible tragedy it is incomprehensible to us that heroes such as ( part of the valiant team that brought down the flight in Pennsylvania), , killed in the line of duty at the time of the collapse of the first tower), and ( of the plane that crashed into the ) are summarily discounted by the Victim Compensation Fund. We are sure there are probably others whose heroic deeds you dismiss simply because of their sexual orientation. How does that make their sacrifice any less than that of anyone else? The life partners of lesbian and gays love just as dearly, grieve just as deeply as those of us who are honored simply because we happen to have been born heterosexual and are not denied the privilege of marriage. Why should they not be given the same compassion, the same respect, and yes, the same benefits as any other spouse? In our shock and dismay at the time of the attack, Americans seemed to unite in our shared loss and vulnerability, recognizing the worth of each citizen. It was a hopeful sign in the midst of a world gone amok. Now our old and tired prejudices and separation have apparently returned, more venomous than ever. What a sorry state. Can you help us to see any valid reason that these people (gay and lesbian) are not to be treated with the same consideration given to their brothers, their sisters, their friends who are "straight"?
Individual Comment
September 11 Email: Date
“dojR002466.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,