September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

Sunday, December 02, 2001 2:18 PM
9/11 Victim's Fund

To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing this brief email to you to urge you to
please not turn your backs on the families of GLBT
9/11 victims. I feel very frustrated that this is
even a possibility.

In our country, unfortunate even in this supposedly
enlightened age, we still continue to turn our backs
on those in need. The plight of GLBT families is
incredible. Our laws prevent us from legally bonding
ourselves together in a way that reflects the way we
live, and then when tragedies like 9/11 happen, we are
left with no recourse other than begging for what
should be rightfully ours. We suffer in these
tragedies, just like everyone else, and yet our
relationships are treated like worthless junk or
denied completely. Please check out one poor woman's
story in the link listed below, and she is definitely
not the only one:

Please do not turn your backs upon so much obvious
need. Regardless of your personal feelings regarding
homosexuality, it is a fact that gay people exist...
we are EVERYWHERE and probably even in your own family
somewhere. We have value, we are of worth. We love
our partners dearly and we grow to depend on each
other just like straight couples. Many GBLT families
have been profoundly affected, both emotionally and
financially, from the loss of loved ones. This is a
fact. Please do not pretend to be blind to these
things. We are at your mercy.


Individual Comment
Draper, Utah

September 11 Email: Date



“dojA000259.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed October 3, 2024,