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September 11 Email: Body

Monday, January 28, 2002 9:16 AM
Victim Compensation for September 11th

As a taxpayer, mother, wife of an active police patrol officer, a daughter,
and a former bodily injury claims insurance adjuster, I believe the current
plan for Victim's compensation is overly reasonable. From the standpoint of
litigation against the airlines, this is reasonable compensation for the
loss of immediate family members, and the US Government goes further to
compensate for loss of adult children. This is more than can be hoped for in
some accidental loss cases. However, this was no accident. This was an act
of war. The civilians, firefighters, police officers, and others lost in
this tragedy were casualties of war. What compensation have we given to
casualties of war during WWI and WWII?

My husband quietly leaves our home at 6a.m. on a work day. He is a police
patrol officer. He protects the public. There is always the possiblity that
he may not come home. I cannot be sure he will come home, but I am certain
that if he should die we have insurance and plans in place to care for our
two children. This will not bring him back, but it will ease the financial
burden if he should be taken from us. And this will allow us to grieve

No amount of money can bring a human being back. No litigious effort can be
guarranteed a certain amount. Victim's families can choose to forgo the
generous gift the American public is giving them through this fund. They can
try there luck in litigation if they must. They will not be guarranteed any
compensation in litigation. Will jurors be sympathetic to their needs in
court? Again, litigation and compensation will not bring a loved one back.
Where are all the counselors and therapists? The victims need help
[processing their grief and money will not do it.

As a taxpayer, wife, mother, daughter, and wife of a police officer, I
believe the current compensation is more than fair. Please do not change a

Individual Comment

September 11 Email: Date



“dojP000224.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed July 12, 2024,