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September 11 Email: Body

Monday, March 11, 2002 8:23 PM
A plea for fairness to all our victims' families

Dear Mr. President:   The horror visited on our nation on September 11th has, as you have so eloquently stated on many occasions, resulted in a kind of re-awakening of the American spirit.  Partisanship, prejudice, materialism, self-interest and cruelty - the very qualities that, unchecked, threaten the very foundation of the real American Dream - have all been softened, have given way at least for the moment to a greater sense of community, and a commitment to justice -- not just on a global scale, but in our neighborhoods and towns and in our own families.     So it is with genuine concern for our nation's soul, for the founding principal of "justice for all" that I learn of the Administration's apparent inclination to disregard, to compound, even, the suffering of some of the families of September 11ths victims.  A gay pilot, a gay priest, a gay passenger,all showed unprecedented heroism on that terrible day.  Dozens of gay abd lesbian victims perished in New York and Washington.  The terrorists did not care who these victims and heroes loved, or who loved them in return.  The only cared that they were Americans.   I would ask our nation to treat their memories, and the lives of their families, with at least the same lack of prejudice.  I applaud the government's decision to show its compassion in the form of financial relief to the families of undocumented aliens who perished.  I would expect our nation would offer its own citizens this same consideration.  This is not the time for division, not the time to re-victimize those who are already hurting, who already bear the burden of prejudice and hatred in their own country.  This is a time when all of us are challenged to do our best, to rise above popular opinion and politics, in the service of what's good and right.   I truly hope you will find it in your hearts to extend compassion and justice to the partners and children of the innocent gay and lesbian victims of the terrorist attacks.  The world and history will regard this as nothing short of a just act, emblematic of America's commitment to moral strength.   With respect and appreciation,  

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September 11 Email: Date



“dojR000303.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed September 17, 2024,