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September 11 Email: Body

Monday, January 28, 2002 1:27 PM
Victim's Fund Comments


I write this strictly as a private citizen and in now way do I represent the
opinion of this company.

First, my heart goes out to all the victims of the events caused by the Sept
11 Terrorist Attack on this country - and that is roughly 285,000,000 people
in these United States, plus or minus a few million given the political
vagaries of the last Census. I am one of them. I hurt, too. My faith in
the belief of the inherent good of all mankind has been shattered. I cannot
sleep well at night, knowing my comrades in arms are in harm's way
attempting to deflect that evil from again penetrating our lives. Some are
already dead. I am sure that in a few years we will have additional victims
step forward whose health has been afflicted by the horrendous dust clouds
containing who knows what toxic fumes when the Towers collapsed. In that
sense all of America is a victim, and we should all receive a slice of that
Victim's Fund. That would make everyone's share about $2.97.

For those who feel like their own lives, or the lives of their lost family
members were worth more in total than anyone else's, I say NUTS! In no
other incident in American History have victims of the event been
compensated so mightily. And yet in the first outpouring of federal
largesse for a tragedy of evil proportions, the miniscule receiver group has
the audacity to define their individual loved one's worth in greater
proportion to another in order to increase their payout. What unmitigated
gall! The government - e.g., the Taxpayer - e.g. ME - is under no
obligation to see that you receive lifetime compensation for what is the
result of madmen's terrorism.

First I see nothing wrong in the amount and the rules. It has never been
done before, so pay everyone the same, regardless of perceived worth.
$1,650,000 TAX FREE dollars, even at 5% annual return, provides $82,500 per
year, FOREVER! That is a handsome payout under any circumstances. Reducing
the individual amount by the insurance and benefits received permits the
individual amount to increase. This is a good thing. The money is not a
reward to provide for a full life forever; it is designed to permit people
to cope, change their direction, heal and move on. The family of the
firefighter and policeman who died the day before DOING THEIR JOB AS THE
THOSE ON 9-11 will receive no 'Victim's Fund' compensation. Those
servicemen and women who died and continue to die in Afghanistan supporting
the Al Qeada root out so that America will be safe ALSO WILL NOT RECEIVE ANY
VICTIM'S FUND COMPENSATION! Where is the share of the victim's fund that is
going to the CIA agent killed in the prison uprising that uncovered the
American Al Qaeda?

This was a tragedy - no doubt. And it affected America - we all grieve. But
if we continue to permit this petty diversity to be the rule, we are doomed
as a nation. Who will pay the Victim's Fund then?

Individual Comment

September 11 Email: Date



“dojP000236.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed October 5, 2024,