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September 11 Email: Body

Monday, March 18, 2002 12:06 PM
Partners of Gay & Lesbian Victims and Heros of September 11th

It is with extreme dismay that I have learned that our United States has
chosen, once again, to disenfranchise it's Gay and Lesbian citizens, citing
that "the law is the law and no exceptions can be made", and yet violating
the law to make exceptions where Illegal Aliens are concerned.

This is an unconscionable action that ignores the heroism of American
citizens, such as who helped bring down the flight in Pennsylvania, NY Fire Dept. who died in the line of duty when the first tower fell, and who was of the plane that crashed into the , and many others, who just happened to be Gay.

When will America recognize that being Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual or
Transgendered does not deprive a citizen of the same dignity and respect
that is due to all Americans. Our homophile families, even though they are
formed around the partnership of two of the same gender, suffer from the
loss of a member, just as profoundly as heterosexual families. When we
lose a life partner, the grief, the financial loss, the difficulties are
just as great. Our children also suffer as deeply and profoundly from the
loss of one of their parents as do the children of
heterosexual families. These sufferings are indeed made greater when our
own country refuses to recognize our loss, and marginalizes and frivolizes
our relationships and our families.

Change this policy. Recognize the needs of Gay and Lesbian people who have
suffered loss in the face of September eleventh. Don't let this hypocrisy
of ignoring the law for illegal aliens while using the law as an excuse to
disenfranchise Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered people continue to
blight the unity that has brought America together after the horrific
events of September eleventh.

Individual Comment
Columbus, OH

September 11 Email: Date



“dojR001879.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed October 2, 2024,