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September 11 Email: Body

Thursday, November 15, 2001 10:16 AM
Victim Compensation Fund

Thanks for allowing this! I have often thought about this very subject and
what the role of the American people should be in compensating the families
and companies that have been affected by the occurrences on September 11.
The following is just my opinion.

I think that the US Government should distribute funds to help those
families that have been investigated and found to actually be harmed by the
09/11 incidents. Those families should receive a modest tax break to allow
for a rebuilding of their home life and to restructure themselves for the
loss of income and to compensate for costs of medical, burial, or other
expenses incurred as a direct result of the 09/11 incidents. The actual
amount should be limited to a verifiable 2 years of wages lost by the family
member whose lives were taken. This would include police, firefighters,
passengers on the aircraft, aircrews, and those who have been identified as
being in the WTC. This would be separate from the Governments policy in
compensating the carriers for their loss.

As to the carriers, the plan as outlined is sufficient.

As to funds to allow for this compensation. I have a question to the DOJ.
First, the DOJ has frozen international funds located in the United States
that have been ear-marked as being a financial asset of the terrorist
organization. Those funds have been frozen to deny any terrorist
organization from being in a position to wage any type of terrorist
campaign. What is being done with these funds? Admittedly, some of those
funds are through a legitimate business source and some companies may not
have been aware (either through a siphoning off or through a "middle man")
that the money had been destined for a terrorist organization, but the
bottom line is that the funds have been frozen. Why should the American
people be made to pay the total amount? Introduce legislation or through
Presidential edict that the money frozen would be used to compensate the
American whose lives were lost by terrorist acts. This would alleviate the
full financial burden on the US Government and yet, make the terrorists pay
for the damage/harm they created.

Thank you for allowing me to voice my opinion on this matter.

Individual Comment
Bonaire, Georgia

September 11 Email: Date



“dojW000354.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed October 3, 2024,