September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

Sunday, January 06, 2002 11:26 PM

did any one compensate the oklahoma city bombing's families? 1.6 million dollars is alot of money no matter what the soci-econmic status a particular person falls into. people get killed in accidents all the time. as horrible and dispicable as these acts of terrorism are, squabbling about who get how much makes me feel like the spirit i gave my donations in was a scam.

peolple who earned larger sums of money than others should have had the financial savy to protect their loved ones with their own insurance. if they were living beyond their income, why should they get even more compensation?
this fund is supposed to HELP families get by and not have to worry about the roof getting taken away, not take care of them for 3 generations. only in america could such a beautiful and loving effort be perverted by greed and lawyers.
please do not be bullied into changing your stance on dividing the money fairly. you will never make all 2900 families happy. what is fair in one persons eyes, will not be to someone eles.
by the way, in the article i read, comparing a slip and fall accident to this event is terrible. why not compare it to spilling hot coffee on someone. a slip and fall is a true accident, which lawyers have made into a gold mine.

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September 11 Email: Date



“dojN001373.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed September 19, 2024,