September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

Friday, January 11, 2002 8:08 PM
I am American and my life as I knew ended on 9/11/01

Dear Sir,

I need to start by thanking the NYS Crime Victim's Board, Red Cross, United Way, Salvation Army, various other charities and the American People who showed me understanding and kindness when I turned to them for help and guidance. These organizations recognized my needs and could throughly understand my GRIEF and LOSS over my PARTNER of nearly 20 years -- all you needed to do was to just to LOOK AT ME the times I had to visit Pier 94 in NY.

Because of the monies given to me and with careful budgeting, I don't have to worry this new year about losing the house we shared and I am truly, truly grateful.

I am worried and concerned that I, and other same-sex devoted partners in the interim regulations have as yet not been elevated to the APPROPRIATE and meaningful stature of "SPOUSE". If you understand, sympathize with AND want to take care of a husband who's lost a wife or a wife missing her husband - then you should understand, sympathize and want to take care of me and everyone else in my situation - there is NO DIFFERENCE.

and I shared our love and lives together, we had made a conscientious CHOICE TO LIVE TOGETHER FOR THE REST OF OUR LIVES and to take care of one another. How is it now RIGHT that because unlike some other countries we NEVER had the option to be LEGALLY recognized (as in marriage) I am not given the right and dignity of any other surviving spouse. My EMOTIONAL as well as financial loss is as great as is any "traditional" spouse's.

I am calling upon YOU to change the rules and to CLEARLY ACKNOWLEDGE and AFFORD the SAME SPOUSAL RIGHTS to ALL same-sex and heterosexual couples who can demonstrate a loving and committed relationship. Put it clearly IN WRITING. If all of these aforementioned agencies and organizations can recognize and assist then how can you turn a "BLIND EYE" and NOT RECOGNIZE AND ASSIST.

I can be reached at home anytime day or night as my life has been turned upside down and I have been unable to concentrate subsequently in danger of losing my job and losing my mind in tears of grief. I have AS YET to accept what I have lost, I do not really believe I will NEVER again see or talk with for the rest of my life.

Can you conceptualize the true depth of what I am feeling...think back then to the loss of your beloved mother or father or perhaps your wife - BUT now just place them at 1WTC at 8:48AM September 11 and like me see the smoke rising over NYC then, LIVE as it is happening -- watch the entire event on TV as the Towers begin to crumble.... - I remembered I screamed out her name,.. !! !!! !!!! -- Now I just cry, and cry, and in-between tears I say, , , !

I would very much appreciate an actual response not the FORM letter response I have been sent in my previous email to this site.

Thank you sincerely,

Individual Comment

New York

September 11 Email: Date



“dojN001549.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed September 27, 2024,