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September 11 Email: Body

Friday, January 04, 2002 5:32 PM
compensation fund

I am sure the only comments that you receive are from the people like
me. I lost my mother. I am forty years old. I have two children that
are finally growing up at ages 12 and 15. I was just starting to be
able to spend some quality time with my mother. We had plans of
travelling together and doing things together that we had dreamed about
for so many years while the kids were young. My mother was so much a
part of my life. She was always there for me and loved to share advice.
We lived 1 1/2 hours away from each other so we enjoyed every minute
that we got to spend together. She always shared her love for crafts
and volunteering with me. Something I was not yet able to do. She knew
she always had a home to stay at whenever she wanted to visit with us or
her friends that she had moved away from when she retired.
After September 11 everyone's lives changed. I feel heartsick every day
thinking about the families with small children who lost a parent. It
is unbearable. But I feel alone too. My mother had so many years of
life left to share with so many people. For the first time in her life
she didn't always worry about money and where it would come from. She
decided to start doing things that she wanted to do.
My Dad is left alone. I am the closest one to him. My parents lived on
a small mountain road where there are few neighbors. I take a day off
work each week to drive up and visit him for the day. It is so hard for
me to see him so sad and not caring about life.
How can anyone say that my mothers life is not worth the same as the
next persons. I most certainly agree that mothers at home with young
children need to be compensated. But to give someone 3-6 million
dollars and my Dad 300-400 thousand dollars is a big difference. Think
of how we feel when you say my mother's life is not worth nearly what
the next persons is. Please explain this to me.

Daughter of , killed on American Airlines flight 11
from Boston

Individual Comment
Bedford, MA

September 11 Email: Date



“dojN001349.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed September 26, 2024,