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September 11 Email: Body

Tuesday, January 22, 2002 3:39 PM
Please help

Mr. Feinberg,

I am writing to you on behalf of my sister, . She lost her
life partner, , a firefighter who lost his life at the
World Trade Center.

was still legally married to . He left that home five
years ago and spent $14,000.00 and went through four attorneys trying to
obtain a divorce. The judge who presided over the divorce case, was the same
judge who had presided when and adopted three children many years
prior. tried to have his case handled by an impartial judge, but was
also denied that. and went to his attorney, in
Cornwall, New York on September 5, 2001. She told them that there was no way
that this judge was going to grant a divorce and that their best bet was
to save their money and move to a "no fault" state after retired in
February. The option of moving to another state had been suggested by more
than one attorney, but was unable to move out of the state of New York
because of strict fire department regulations. Unfortunately, the dream of
being married will never happen because ran out of time. You just never
think that is going to happen.

Throughout this time, and my sister moved forward with their own lives
together. They shared a home together for over four years and said vows in
front of their children. They even wore symbolic bands. They bought a home
and a van together to start their new life together as a family and 2 1/2
years ago, was born to and . He paid
child support to his wife for their adopted three children, 19, 18 and 12,
faithfully, but my sisters home is the one suffering the major financial
blow. Of course, she will not receive any pension benefits, his legal wife

made his feelings and wishes made known to the fire department. He
changed what little benefits he was able to by law to my sister. He listed
, Domestic Partner, on all applications and fire department
related paperwork. However, we have recently been informed that all
benefits, including all distributions from the Firefighters Widows &
Children's Benefit Fund, will be disbursed to , and that not
even little has any claim to any benefits. had told us so many
times not to worry, that until they were able to be legally married, that the
fire department knew his wishes and that they would take care of her if
anything ever happened to him in the line of duty. Unfortunately, this is
not the case.

I am writing to you on my sisters behalf because she cannot. She is lost.
She has a two and a half year old son to raise alone and has lost the love of
her life. I saw your interview this morning and believe that you can help
her. Please!


Comments by:
Fairfield, CA
Newburgh, New York

September 11 Email: Date



“dojN002295.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed September 23, 2024,