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September 11 Email: Body

Monday, March 11, 2002 11:16 AM
9-11 fund and "ALL" Americans

I would like to first say to Mr. John McCain: Thank you for having the
courage and compassion to look beyond the bigotry and prejudice of the many
by at least making a personal stand on decency, when speaking about &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp and Gay's alike.

Having said that and after reading what Mr. Ashcroft's views on the use of
the 9-11 funds which exclude gays and their loved ones, I am saddened but
nonetheless not surprised, at this latest attempt to stand in judgment over

It was a terrible day in America on September the 11th, 2001 as I sat in
horror as our/my country was attacked. I sobbed for my fellow Americans as I
would any member of my own family. But today it isn't sadness that fills my
heart, it is anger at the leadership of the greatest country this world has
ever known. To think that my money (gay money) will go to anyone and
everyone, except those who Mr. Ashcroft has decided are not as deserving,
sickens me. How righteous and noble of this administration to allow the
illegal who are breaking the law to be compensated for their lose; and
rightfully so, but not the legal gay tax paying citizens. I'm sure that God
will think this act to be quite admirable.
Regardless what ones views on another's life style, we are all Gods
creatures. We all bleed RED, hurt when victimized, and see RED when

How quick we forget what our country has done to our African American and
Indian Americans. Haven't we all seen what prejudice can cause? And then we
have the nerve to ask "why do they hate us so much?".

My mother, a single women who raised three boys, use to tell me; "Treat
others as you would want to be treated yourself". I'm sure your mothers said
the same sort of thing. At what age do we forget that?
I just hope that the next time you need a hero to save your life, and he/she
happens to be gay, that they will have forgotten this decision or at least
remember those words my mother use to say!

Sickened but still American,

Individual Comment
Fort Worth, TX.

September 11 Email: Date



“dojR000164.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed September 22, 2024,