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September 11 Email: Body

Thursday, March 21, 2002 10:48 AM
911 Partner benefits denied in DC

I am outraged that partners of the victims of 911 are not being included.

I am fine with the inclusion of illegal aliens as a compassionate measure to those who have no way to recover after such a devastating loss, but since
when do illegal aliens take precedence over American citizens?

Do not gay and lesbian victims and partners of those victims deserve the
same compassion? Many of these persons would be legally married if they
had the opportunity to do so. They have been BARRED from doing so by the
same government which is now saying that they will be penalized because
they are NOT legally married? What cruel irony is this?

Besides the fact that the government should grant some form of civil
recognition to people who wish to marry, or couple together legally and share the same benefits and responsibilities of a "married" couple, it should
also grant the same services to those who for all intents and purposes are
married in all but the civil piece of paper. \n
If you have religious or other objections to the term marriage, fine. Call it
a civil union if you like. But grant us the same pursuit of happiness you afford
yourselves. Many GLBT unions last much longer than heterosexual unions.
But that isnt the point. The point is people do bond together, whether considered legal or moral by others, because they love. And when they lose
that love, they are as devastated as anyone else. And if they are financially
dependent or interdependent on their partner, they are also just as harmed
and made destitute as anyone else.

We dont ask if people are gay when they collect unemployment, or food stamps, and we dont ask if they are gay if they contribute to our campaign or make large donations to charity. It is all immaterial. We are all humans,
and we are all American citizens. Those are the things that should matter
when disbursing American funds. If you are going to waive the need to be
an American citizen to collect those funds, fine. That is a generous move
and one based on compassionate motives, but if that is the case, how dare
you deny an American citizen, just because they are gay?

I dont buy your State's law argument. This is about federal obligation, not
individual state's laws. The federal government has passed laws before which conflict with state legislation. If you have to pass a new federal law
to give these victims their due, then go ahead and do it. Dont deny responsibility in such a shameful manner. Live up to the true American ideal.

Justice and compassion for all.


Individual Comment
Auburn Hills, MI

September 11 Email: Date



“dojR002497.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed July 4, 2024,