September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

Tuesday, November 06, 2001 8:42 AM

I am the wife of a victim and wish to offer comments on the airline bill. My first and foremost comment concerns the issue of `pain and suffering'. I am beginning to understand that I may have to present to the magistrate my case for pain and suffering as a result of my husband's death. Does this pertain to his pain and suffering or ours as a family or both? In EITHER case, how can the government think that any ONE family or victim suffered any more than the other? Realisticly, they all died in the same horrific, unimaginable, manner and their families are suffering from their losses equally. How can you make us even address this aspect of our loss?

Secondly, I do not think that the amounts we receive from charity should be deducted from our compensation. The monies I have received is helping to pay my bills during these next few months as I adjust to a permanent loss of income. This money comes from the generosity of the American public who seems outraged that not ALL of their donations are being distributed to us. Can you dispute that the American Red Cross is only going to distribute 20% of it's collections for this disaster? Your bill is to save the airlines from the law suits we would initiate if you do not move forward with this compensation.

Why are you going to deduct the money I receive from life insurance? That is money I received from the financial planning my husband and I initiated in the event of his death by usual circumstances. Would a judge and jury reduce the money I would receive from a lawsuit initiated if he died at the hands of some other person or persons who acted in a manner resulting in his untimely, painful death? If so, then you are acting accordingly. If not, you should not be doing so.

Thank you for your chance to offer comment.

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September 11 Email: Date



“dojW000017.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed September 24, 2024,