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September 11 Email: Body

Thursday, December 20, 2001 4:34 PM

Attachment 1:
Dear Mr. Zwick:

I am writing in response to the Department's request for public comments regarding the forthcoming regulations for implementing and administering the "September 11 Victim Compensation Fund."

I strongly urge the Department to draft regulations that ensure compensation is available to ALL victims of the attack, including the committed partners and the non-biological children of gay and lesbian victims.

Now more than ever, we have come to learn the larger meaning of FAMILY. The victims were emotional and financially responsible to their families, regardless if
those families were headed by two men or two women. I understand that it becomes complicated to determine the status of relationships between partners and their
children - but just because that might be hard to realize on paper using our social standards doesn't mean that people should be denied the same benefits as other

It is unquestionable that the devastating grief and economic losses suffered by the families of gay and lesbian victims are no less than that of other families. Just as the
terrorists drew no lines in choosing their victims, our country must draw no lines in compensating those who suffered the most personal of losses from these horrific

Many Americans lost their lives on September 11, each of whom left behind loved ones. I urge the Department to honor these bonds by treating the families of gay and lesbian
victims as you would any other. Let the government show the surviving children of gay and lesbain parents that there are no differences between us all.

One of the ways that we rise above the sheer evil and horror of September 11 is to treat one another with infinite compassion and respect. Please do not allow our
government to limit the compassion and respect deserved by each and every life directly touched by tragedy.


Individual Comment
Seattle, WA

September 11 Email: Date



“dojN000029.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed September 20, 2024,