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September 11 Email: Body

Saturday, January 26, 2002 1:04 PM
Victims compensation

I am attaching what I sent to the Families of September 11, and I want
you to know that this is the feeling of many of the people that I talk
to in my community.

Thank you

To Whom it may concern,

I do not want to sound cold hearted, callous, or uncaring, but many of
the families involved, including your organization, sound greedy and
self-righteous. Yes, you lost your loved ones, but so do families of
soldiers in combat, police officers, firefighters, and many others. Is
it the job of the government to compensate these people also? What
about the soldier who loses his life and only has $10,000 of GI
insurance, or the police officer who is shot by a crackhead? They are
not reembursed with this extraordinary amount that you are receiving.

$1.65 million is ample, and proceeds from life insurance or worker's
compensation should be deducted from this amount. You are greedy to
want more, when there are 34 million people in this country without
health insurance, people are going hungry, people are homeless, and
children are mistreated. Who do you think you are to demand more?

Most people are afraid to write you because they may sound cruel, but
the talk in the coffee shops, barber shops, beauty parlors, and the
street, all back up what I am saying. Be thankful for what you are
getting, and do not take any more advantage of the generous American

Individual Comment

September 11 Email: Date



“dojP000165.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed September 20, 2024,