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September 11 Email: Body

Monday, January 21, 2002 6:07 PM
Federal Victims Compensation Program

Obviously, changes must be made to the Federal Victims Compensation Program
so that the families of the 911 heroes are properly compensated by the
government. The complete and total amount allocated by Congress must be
given to the families. Anything less is a complete and total disgrace.

It's is obvious to all sane people that the victims families have beyond any
shadow of a doubt the right to sue many of the parties involved with the 911
disaster. (see paragraphs below). And, furthermore, never in the history of
the U.S. has a person with a legitimate cause to sue been told that they
cannot receive compensation because they have other means such as life
insurance and pension funds I know that you cannot name one single case like
this in the history of the U.S. If you apply these rules to the victims'
families, not only is it a disgrace, but then the exact same rules must apply
to all plaintiffs in the future. Do I have to spell it out -- if you do not
change the rules and give the money to the victims' families, then every
single individual and corporation with a legitimate case who also has "means"
must not ever receive a "red cent" from any ligiation in the future.

Listed here are the parties that should be sued because of the 911 disaster.
Here's the first one. Can the government explain how in the world the
governor of Massachusettes had the audicity to appoint his former chauffer to
head security at Logan Airport in Boston? When I heard this on TV, I began
to fell like I was living in the "twilight zone." It's it obvous to Congress
that the governor must be fired and put behind bars as he has the blood of
the victims on his hands. How dare he appoint his former chauffer to head
security at Logan when the chauffer had "zippo" experience. Certainly there
can be no doubt that Logan Airport and the governor should be sued. They are

Secondly, the airlines and the FAA have proved that they don't have a clue as
to how to run airports. The fact that the cockpit doors were not locked it a
sin. I expected to hear that top executives at the FAA and airlines were
fired immediately the day of the disaster. I am appalled that this has not
been the case. Certainly, unless every cent allocated by Congress is given
to the victims' families, they have an extremly strong case against both of
these parties.

Thirdly, where was security at the WTC on 911? I was watching TV with my
co-workers and we saw the first WTC Tower in flames. Immediately, everyone
said this must be terrorism. Why weren't people evacuated immediatley. Was
security too stupid that it had to be spelled out for them with the second
plane going into the other WTC Tower. Obviously, this building should have
had one of the most up-to-date evacuation plans; however, it appears obvious
that it had no plan whatsoever!!!

Here's my last point. My cousin, a fireman, died at the 911 disaster. How
do you think I felt and his family felt when we read in the newspapers and
heard on TV that the fireman's radios were not working. Do you realize that
the rescue workers were ordered out of the WTC Towers? However, the
firemens' radios weren't working. Certainly, the City of NY should not try
to cut expenses by providing substandard radios to its rescue workers. The
City of NY is another party that quite frankly deserves to be sued.

Again, you must give the victims' families the money that they are entitled
to. Friends and families of the 911 heroes are a united and growing group
who fully intend to stay united and fight for what is the right and proper
conduct by government. Government officials work for the people. Don't
forget that. If you do, we won't forget on election day.

Also, I'd like to know what the government is doing about awarding the
Congressional Medal of Honor to the 911 Heros. There was much talk about
this award in September, what is happending? Why haven't we heard more about
it? Certainly the Award would help explain to the children who lost their
parents what heroes their parents were.

Individual Comment
Forest Hills, NY

September 11 Email: Date



“dojN001925.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed October 4, 2024,