September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

January 19, 2002

Kenneth Zwick, Director
Office of Management Programs
U.S. Department of Justice
Main Bldg 4 Room 3140
Washington, DC

Dear Mr. Zwick,

I am writing to you in hopes that this horrible situation I am in as a result of September 11 may
in some way be rectified. On September 11, my fiance' &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp , kissed me goodbye, went to
work (at &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp , where he was a partner) and never returned. &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp and I were together
for five years and lived together for 4 1/2. We were to be married September 28, 2001. We were
looking forward to starting our married lives together and starting a family of our own.
At &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp request, I had given up my job 4 years ago. During which time I was completely
financially dependent upon him. Not only have I been robbed of my life partner, but of any future
financial security as well.

As I understand there is only on application per victim which presents a problem for
fiancees/domestic partners. I am requesting that you take into consideration my situation as I was
financially dependent on him and left with $6,000 bills per month. It is bad enough that I lost my life
time partner much less to worry my financial security and where my life goes from here. In all fairness if
the fiancees/domestic partner are going to be denied the opportunity to apply for the Victims
Compensation Fund on our own, it should be determined how the settlement should be divided when
there is a fiancee/domestic partner involved. It is very difficult to discuss these financial matters with the
family and it might be helpful if there are distribution regulations set to protect people in these situations.

Thank you in advance for your time and attention to this matter.


Individual Comment
Englewood, NJ

September 11 Email: Date



“dojN002634.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed September 9, 2024,