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September 11 Email: Body

Monday, March 11, 2002 11:21 PM
The September 11th Fund

Dear President Bush,

I was amazed and dismayed at the decision of Kenneth Feinberg relating to how
he intends to recommend the administration of funds for the victims of the
disaster that befell this country six months ago today. I gather, from some
news accounts I've read, that he intends to "follow state law" in terms of
recognizing gay and lesbian relationships when deciding whether or not to
grant relief to those families.

Mr. President, he knows, you know and I know that the State laws to which he
refers nearly unanimously declare those relationships void and valueless
and, consequently, he's permitting (hoping for?) them to be his 'cover' for
not granting benefit to these victims.

President Bush, you and I were once distant colleagues - you on the Board of
Directors of

and me as its Chief Financial
Officer of the Southern Division in 1992 to 1995. At that time, I trusted
your judgment as a member of our Board of Directors and I hope that I can
trust your judgment again today to overturn Mr. Feinberg's decision.

Its just plain wrong and I'm sure you know that. Please confirm back to me
that you intend to do just that. I'd appreciate that.

Geez, the timing couldn't be worse - Katie Couric ( )
just had mother on the Today Show this morning. She reported
on what a hero was unsuspecting, I'm certain, that this news would break
about such a miscarriage of justice.

You need to act, Mr. President.

Respectfully submitted,

Atlanta, Georgia

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September 11 Email: Date



“dojR000335.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed October 4, 2024,