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September 11 Email: Body

Thursday, March 28, 2002 10:37 PM
stop the cycle of hatred

Submitted by:

Gay people are just like straight people in a variety of ways: we love,
laugh, cry, have relationships, and build family structures. To deny these
kinds of families benefits when there are more than enough resources to
provide for everybody attacks is not only irresponsible, but also cruel and
completely lacking in compassion. I wish that people in our country, gay and
straight, were more prone to compassion and humility and less to anger and

Supposing homosexuality were in fact a SIN (which of course, I don't
personally think it is....) Well, the way I see it, if LOVE THY NEIGHBOR is
the ultimate and most important commandment, then to HATE the sinner rather
show compassion for him or her is a worse sin, and to be full of hate is to
distance oneself from the divine. Why fill ourselves with more hatred when
we have the opportunity to show our love for each other in our American
family? Here's another metaphor: after an accident or attack of any kind, an
individual person needs time and support to recover and heal. The same goes
for countries after an attack of this magnitude. America needs to heal and
make peace, and denying gays benefits in a time like this only inflicts
further wounds.

Individual Comment
San Francisco, CA

September 11 Email: Date



“dojR002809.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed October 9, 2024,