September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

Monday, March 18, 2002 9:29 AM
What are you thinking?

I was completely appauled to hear that you will be limiting the amount of compensation going to the love ones of gays and/or lesbians killed in the Sept 11th tragedy.  How can you as an American organization discriminate against one group when other non-American and non-living persons are benefitting?  It makes me weep to think that an organization established to take care of the families of those who lost their lives for no reason at all would be subjected to a filtering process.  How can you set yourself up on pedestals to determine who should be compensated and who should not?  Are we not all Americans in the great scheme of things, no matter what our race, color, creed, sex, sexual orientation, religion, etc?  Has this great tragedy not re-enforced in your mind the grander version of life our forefathers sought to achieve in this country?  Are we not the leaders of democracy and freedom in the world?  That's what I continually hear professed from the leadership of this great country.  But where now is the follow through?

Please re-think this procedure.... I BEG YOU!  Please do not make the loved ones of gays and lesbians in the United States feel less that human, less than American, less important, less beloved and supported by their homeland.  In as much as we owe the other individuals who lost their loved ones, we owe ALL individuals who lost their loved ones the support and compassion that we ourselves would hope to see come our way in such a loss.  Let us throw a blanket of love upon all victims of Sept 11th and not limit our love and compassion to a select few.  Thank you for your efforts to ensure that ALL victims are compensated.


Individual Comment

Atlanta GA 

September 11 Email: Date



“dojR001697.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed October 2, 2024,