September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

Monday, March 11, 2002 10:27 AM
Kenneth Feinberg Speaks

To Whom it May Concern-

I was entirely disheartened to hear Mr. Feinberg suggest that there are degrees of victim hood based upon your sexual preference on Sunday's telecast.
How does one become less of a victim when they are a homosexual human being?
Further, to rationalize it by saying that there would be disagreement because it would not follow state law seems ludicrous when he also says they will compensate illegal aliens and not question the legality of their citizenship, or question their employers for providing them work.
I do not have an issue with providing funds to illegal aliens at all. However, I do have an issue with then turning around and singling out a group of people to deprive. That is very upsetting. It's almost as if it was saying it's ok to discriminate. This then sets a precedent for future discrimination using the same rationale.
I am sorry for those that will have to claim benefits from your fund. However, I am sorry for everyone, including those that can't claim benefits from your fund as well. I would therefore be unwilling to participiate or help your fund in any way that I normally could. You take something that most all people were proud to contribute towards, and something that helped create a sense of togetherness in America, and you make people feel seperated again by their differences. That is a damn shame. I hope you hang your heads when you think of it.
Individual Comment

Chicago, Illinois

September 11 Email: Date



“dojR000095.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed October 2, 2024,