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September 11 Email: Body
Wednesday, March 20, 2002 12:51 PM
I think that the VCF should include all victims and survivors of the 9-11
tragedy. In particular, I do not think that a victim's/survivor's home
state policy on same sex unions/domestic partnerships should be a
restricting factor for the simple reasons that:
*the pain and loss (addressed by the fund) doesn't restict along
hetero-/homo- sexual lines (the limits on funding should not be steered
toward larger awards for fewer applicants, rather ALL should be compensated
based on those limited funds)
*these relationships as domestic comsuming units ("households") function in
highly similar fashion to those of heterosexual unions.
*those in same sex unions/domestic partnerships and even of minority sexual
orientation status not in union but with dependants (adults and minors) are
still lost or disabled by this event to the extent that the funds would
address the same goal (support for dependats/survivors) had the
relationships been allowed by the law.
*any rejections based on domestic partnership/same sex union status as it
pertains to an applicants only adds further suffering at the hands of those
who administer the VCF.
I strongly urge the adminaistration of the funds be done no as not to
passively re-inforce the second class status already impressed upon same
sex couples in this country.
Individual Comment
Ann Arbor, MI
September 11 Email: Date
“dojR002358.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed January 10, 2025,