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September 11 Email: Body
Monday, March 11, 2002 3:29 PM
Is it true that illegal aliens who were injured on 9/11 will be compensated
but that gay and lesbian partners will be compensated only if their state
law recognizes same-sex unions? How can it be possible that illegal
noncitizens can be awarded and gay and lesbian CITIZENS will not? Is it
really possible that people living in the US illegally can be favored over
gay and lesbian AMERICAN citizens? Feinberg says: "[Gays and lesbians are]
left out of my program to the extent that their own state doesn't include
them. I cannot get into a position in this program, which has a
one-and-a-half or two-year life start second-guessing what the state of New
York or the Commonwealth of Massachusetts or the state of Virginia or New
Jersey, how they treat same-sex partners, domestic live-ins, etc. I simply
say this: What does your state law say about who is eligible? If your state
law makes
you eligible, I will honor state law. If it doesn't, I go
with the state. Otherwise, Tim, I would find myself getting
sued in every state by people claiming that I'm not following
how the state distributes money. I can't get into that local
battle. I've got to rely on state law." - Kenneth Feinberg on
NBC's "Meet the Press," March 10, 2002.
This is an absurd position. Feinberg is willing to flout federal law but
respect state law? Come on--this is discrimination, pure and simple. It's an
offensive and asinine position. Oh, by the way, I'm not gay or lesbian, but
I can still be outraged all the same by anything unfair or immoral. I expect
a reply to this email.
Individual Comment
September 11 Email: Date
“dojR000220.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed January 10, 2025,