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September 11 Email: Body

Monday, March 18, 2002 4:57 PM
2nd class citizenship

As a taxpaying American, I find it terribly disappointing that our own
nation would label second class citizenship on its own people. How is it
just or even logical that the unborn fetuses (which our own government
sanctions the abortion of) and illegal aliens qualify for compensation
benefits of greater value than taxpaying men and women, whose only
difference is that they are of a different sexual orientation?

Where is the sense in such discrimination? To say that the government will
not go against state policies - but yet will turn a blind eye in other
situations. Don't all states have laws about illegal aliens working and
living without proper authority?

I feel that it is appropriate to allow these considerations for the children
yet to be born and those working here without green cards. They have
suffered too...and their pain is just as real. I also think that if a
person has a domestic partner with whom they shared a life and sadly loss a
great deal through such tragedy - that they should be treated with the same
dignity and respect of any other who has suffered.

The government is for ALL the people, not just those that Conservatives
would like to validate as equal citizens versus "special interest groups."
All the victims of September 11th should be honored and their loved ones be
cared for equally - not based on what the law says.

We the people, or should it now read, "We, the self-righteous and those, who
we do not value..."

Individual Comment
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

September 11 Email: Date



“dojR002038.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed January 10, 2025,