September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

Sunday, March 17, 2002 4:29 PM
funds for partners of g/l victims of sept. 11th

Dear Kenneth L. Zwick, Director,
I am writing to you today because it is my understanding that gay and lesbian family members of the victims killed on Sept. 11th will not be treated with the same dignity, fairness and respect. The funds allocated for families of the victims should include partners of Gay and Lesbian people who were either killed or heroically gave their lives on September 11, 2001.
If nothing else, it was my hope that we, as a nation, could take away from this horrific tragedy, and assault on our country, that we are ALL Americans. Hatred brought to us this kind of attack, it's painfully ironic that we are allowing prejudice and hatred to effect, in any way, our national duty to all of the families effect by this tragedy.
An easy solution to this mess, would be to allow for all committed adult couples to be legally recognized for the families that they are. Since we aren't there yet, nationally, the only just thing to do would be to recognize the reality that gay and lesbian families exist and should be compensated equally to that of heterosexual families.
Please listen to all of the rational voices across America and remember ALL of the people who died and the grieving families they have left behind. Love, and commitment makes a family, Sir, not some made up political definition.

It is my hope, that a just decision will be made, and that American's can truly hold their collective heads high, knowing that we have not turned our backs on our sisters and brothers.

In Peace and Unity,

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September 11 Email: Date



“dojR001479.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed September 9, 2024,