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September 11 Email: Body

Thursday, December 06, 2001 4:21 PM
Discrimination in the administration of the September 11 Fund

To whom it may concern:

It would be pointless and almost impossible to name the various groups of
people who have been affected by the tragedy of 11 September. It is fair
to say that this event had and will continue to have an effect on people
for years to come.

The terrorists were blind to the diversity among the people in the World
Trade towers. They struck without regard to anything. The response of the
world community and the American people has been without regard as well. I
know of many of my friends who have given sacrificially to this cause.

As an American citizen and a compassionate human being, I urge you to be
equally as blind in the administration of this fund. ANYONE who was
directly affected should be at liberty to apply for compensation, including
those who lost their life partners as well as de facto parents or children,
without regard to sexual orientation or marital status.

I ask that you follow the example already set by New York Governor Pataki
in granting compensation benefits "on a showing of mutual interdependence
with the victim, in recognition that anyone who shared with the victim
living expenses, day-to-day activities and the emotional bonds of family
deserves help in this time of need."

Please show blind compassion.

Thank you

Individual Comment

September 11 Email: Date



“dojA001207.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed July 6, 2024,