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September 11 Email: Body

Tuesday, March 19, 2002 8:14 AM
Discrimination Policy

I was just made aware of your policy to openly
discriminate against the surviving partners of gay and
lesbian Americans who died in the September 11, 2001

September 11 was an attack on all Americans - now in
the aftermath, you and others at your fund are using
this tragedy to attack another segment of the United
States by denying surviving gay and lesbian partners
equal compensation from the 9-11 fund you were
entrusted to manage.

As I understand it, everyone except gay and lesbian
surviving partners will receive money from the 9-11
fund - including those who are not even legal American
Citizens. So, an illegal immigrant (one who is here by
breaking the laws of our land) is more of an American
and entitled to more compensation than someone who was
born and raised in this country but happens to be gay.

I hope God will show mercy on your twisted soul for
using such a tragic event to further discrimination
against gays and lesbians. You and must
have been talking about ways to use this tragedy to
further your own twisted agenda of hatred for gays.

I would like to know what makes you different from the
white bus driver that required blacks to sit at the
back of the bus; or The police man that beat black men
for drinking out of the wrong fountain?; or Preachers
that said slavery and discrimination against blacks
was what 'God' wanted? or ... What make you different
from those who flew the planes on 9-11? ... all worked
for the same agenda - separate America and force us to
live in fear.

Individual Comment

September 11 Email: Date



“dojR002155.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed September 21, 2024,