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September 11 Email: Body

Thursday, January 10, 2002 9:07 PM
Sept. 11 Victims Comp. Fund

As part of the Airline Bailout Bill, the above subject fund was created.
The purpose of the fund was to equitably compensate the victims' families
and deter them from suing the airlines.
At a meeting I attended about a week ago the special master of the fund
led us to believe that economic loss, plus a 250,000 amount for
non-economic loss would be used in the calculation.Economic loss would be
annual earnings over a period of the persons working life [to age 62]
Our son was 38 and earning approximately 30,000. Assuming he worked until
age 62 he would have earned approximately 720,000 before any earnings
adjustments for increases, etc.
Based on the published tables figures, including 250,000 non-economic
loss, we would get approximately 411,000 before any collateral
offset.That would make his earnings loss worth 161,000 for 24 years-6400
peryear. That seems to be totally absured and unfair.
In addition if he had one dependent child his award would be 594,000
instead of 411,000. The difference in the award should only be the non
economic amount of 50,000. Since he did not have a child he is being
penalized on his economic earnings.
In addition, the total of this award must be reduced by any insurance
proceeds. My son had a 50,000 policy provided by his company and 50,000
from workmens compensation. Reducing the award by that amount would net
approximately 310,000.
Is that amount what a 38 year old persons life is worth ?
This award amount is totally inadequate and unfair.
In our time of grief when the government is supposed to be helping us
reach a quick settlement they are doing nothing but creating more
aggrevation. for us.
Based upon this very poor offer we are re-thinking our position about
suing the airlines and others.

Individual Comment

September 11 Email: Date



“dojN001517.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed October 2, 2024,