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September 11 Email: Body

Sunday, March 17, 2002 10:43 PM
911 fund exclusion of Gay and Lesbian Americans

It appears that according to recent articles about the rules of the 911 Fund, that Gay and Lesbian people, who have suffered just as great a loss in the 911 tragedy as anyone, are being excluded from the benefits because our relationships are not acknowledged under state laws. Even moreso, Kenneth Feinberg appears to be willing to ignore US law regarding illegal aliens who lost a loved one and compensate them (IF they are heterosexual) as well as ignore their illegal status in this country.

"The attorney general, in consultation with Immigration, etc., undocumented aliens who come forward, the families will not suffer any consequences. They are covered by this program. They will get a check. The employer, where we need the economic information about the undocumented alien, will not be penalized," Feinberg told "Meet the Press." However, Feinberg also said that gay partners of the heroes of September 11th will not necessarily be eligible for the same compensation as heterosexual family members who lost their loved ones.

Feinberg was further quoted, "[Gays and lesbians are] left out of my program to the extent that their own state doesn't include them. I cannot get into a position in this program, which has a one-and-a-half or two-year life start second-guessing what the state of New York or the Commonwealth of Massachusetts or the state of Virginia or New Jersey, how they treat same-sex partners, domestic live-ins, etc. I simply say this: What does your state law say about who is eligible? If your state law makes you eligible, I will honor state law. If it doesn't, I go with the state. Otherwise, Tim, I would find myself getting sued in every state by people claiming that I'm not following how the state distributes money. I can't get into that local battle. I've got to rely on state law." (NBC's "Meet the Press," March 10, 2002)

What a crock of ! It's well known that most state governments do not recognize Gay or Lesbian relationships legally. Seems mighty damned convenient for him to pass the buck to the states! And being a federal fund, who made the decision that it has to follow State funding rules? And how do those rules come to exclude Gay and Lesbian people??


I am angry, insulted, and grieved that Gay and Lesbian people are continued to be treated as second class in this country, especially in the light of this NATIONAL tragedy. This is an insult to the life and memory of those Gay and Lesbian people who died in the tragedy, some, like , who gave his life valiantly so that others- our US Congress -would live. As wrote, "If September 11 has taught us anything, it's that our patriotism and love of country transcend our differences and unite us all. We were told that September 11 was the day that 'hyphenated-Americans' were no more, and rather than being Italian-Americans, African-Americans or gay-Americans, we were now simply Americans, all of us together as one American family. Apparently, that family just got a divorce."

DO NOT insult the memory and lives of those who died, straight and gay, by screwing over the latter's grieving loved ones!! We are NOT second class!

Individual Comment
Eagan, MN

September 11 Email: Date



“dojR001571.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed September 9, 2024,