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September 11 Email: Body
Thursday, February 14, 2002 6:54 AM
I lost both my parents last year. Not one God damn person from the
government or other charitable organization offered me their condolences or
financial assistance. I couldn't even get the damn social security office
to allow in a damn $255 burial assistance for my mom after she passed a few
weeks after my father!. What places the value of one human higher than that
of another solely based on the circumstances surrounding the death?
Thousands daily suffer emotionally and financially due to the loss of loved
ones. I think this is unfair and wrong to compensate families in the 9/11
attacks unless each and everyone one of us who has suffered a loss due to
death of loved ones, for any reason is also compensated, once a case of
financial hardship or loss is proven!
This is so unfair and so blatantly AMERICAN and why the underlying causes of
9/11 really happened...This nations doubled standards and the unfair
principles applied to some and the use and abuse of power and authority to
control will come back in the end to haunt us all.
Individual Comment
September 11 Email: Date
“dojP000508.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed January 13, 2025,