September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

Wednesday, March 13, 2002 5:17 AM
Benefits for gay partners

To the Benefit Administrator,

I was outraged to find out that partners of gay victims of the Sept.11
attacks are not included in the aid you are distributing. I work as a federal
employee, in the US Postal Service, and myself was at risk for anthrax
infection. I stayed on the job, as did my fellow gay employees (most who are
afraid to be known as gay, because of policies such as these).

We face prejudice on a daily basis--we can't legally claim our partners for
health insurance purposes, we don't receive the same tax advantages as
married heterosexual couples (even though in my instance, I've been with my
partner for longer than most straight people I know), we can't utilize the
Family Medical and Leave Act, we can't even have our chosen relationships
recognized as valid by our employers or society as a whole. Yet our tax
dollars are used, as is our heroism.

As are our donations to charities, when there is a time of crisis and need.

We are the last group of people in this country where it's "okay" to
discriminate. Is your fund going to go along with that? And if so, how can
you feel in your hearts like honest, good helpers? At times, reality and
science must take precedence over religious beliefs, which even though may be
held by a temporary majority, often later on prove to be cruel and misguided.

Individual Comment

September 11 Email: Date



“dojR000559.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed October 5, 2024,