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September 11 Email: Body

Saturday, December 29, 2001 9:38 AM

Dear Mr. Feinberg:
I have had an opportunity to read the interim rule regarding the Victim
Compensation Fund of 2001. Although I applaud your efforts to come up with a
fair and equitable solution to compensating the families of the victims I
feel that the rules have fallen short of this goal.

My husband died in WTC2. We both came from families in which our parents
had no formal education. My parents emigrated from Eastern Europe. We both
worked hard and received college degrees from the City University of NY.
got a Masters from NYU and we juggled home, children and work responsibilites
so that I could get my Master's as well. We lived comfortably but prudently
so that we could have money for children's college, vacations and retirement.
& I put 2 children through college without any assistance from anyone.
& I had the foresight to do some financial planning and he made sure
that if something happened to him that there would be insurance money. We
paid a substantial amount in insurance premiums in order to insure that this

On a personel level, & I were happily married for 28 years. I was
looking forward to 28 more. He was a wonderful, thoughtful and caring man. I
was lucky and I knew it. I miss him tremendously. His children miss his love
and advice and guidance as well. He will not walk his daughter "down the
aisle" or see grandchildren or spend anymore time with his family.

The report states that for the most part the circumstances about how one's
loved died is not known. Please include these facts into your calculations.
went to WORK and died. Please think about that simple fact. It is
horrifying to me that my government failed us in this regard and did not
protect him. Likewise - I do know the circumstances of his death. I have an
eyewitness who was with him till the end. ignored the announcements that
his building was secure. He told his people to also ignore the announcement
and get out. He boarded an elevator on the 78th floor and the elevator went
into a free-fall and stopped 15 feet short of the concourse. The elevator was
on fire. One woman and the gentleman who recounted this story to me escaped.
and a full elevator of people were not as fortunate. The smoke and fire
were overwhelming. For two weeks after Sept. 11 I hoped and prayed that
was somewhere in a burn unit and was unable to contact me.

I feel that the government has failed me on many levels. The rules truly
reflect a "bail-out" for the airlines and the government and as a result
there is no acountability for what happened to my husband and countless
others. I feel failed again because my husband and I took accountability for
our family's financial security and as a result the governement and airlines
can walk away feeling as if they owe us nothing because & I took care of
our own business. Please rethink your stand so that all of the above is
considered. I am disappointed in my President, my government and the interim
.final "rules".
Thank you - Respectfully -

Individual Comment

September 11 Email: Date



“dojN001181.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,