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September 11 Email: Body

Saturday, January 19, 2002 9:13 PM
Comments by Victim's Family

I am writing on behalf of World Trade Center victim
parents ( , father, and , mother) who are being shortchanged on both
the economic and the non-economic parts of the
Victims Compensation Fund, as well as other aspects
of the interim regulations.

1) The economic part is grossly unfair because the
Fund is basing it on the victim's salary in the last
three years. The victim had a low salary, but was
young and was a college graduate. How can they know
how much he was going to earn in the future based on
what he made in the past? How can they decide that his
life was worth less than that of other people? There
should be equality in the awards.

2) The non-economic award is also grossly unfair
because we know the victim suffered tremendous pain
for a very long time. He was last seen on the
Floor, Tower Two, going back to do work, and called
his mother at home saying that he was okay and had to
work. We know the victim was trapped for a long time,
and Special Master Feinburg still insists that the
pain and suffering award is fair, when what he wants
to give is one-tenth the amount under similar
circumstances of terrorist attacks.

3) It is also unfair that the fund categorizes
dependents as only spouse and children. The victim
was his parents' only son and according to Asian
tradition responsible for his parents even though he
did not claim them as dependents on his tax return. As
with many immigrant families, he lived with and
supported his retired parents and was their primary
caregiver and constant companion. When his mother fell
down the stairs and broke her shoulder three years ago
he even bathed her. Besides dealing with their grief
and struggling to survive every day without him, his
parents are faced with a system which does not
recognize them.

4) In addition, there should be no collateral payment
deductions from the award. That would make the fund
highly unfair.

5) Also, it is absolutely wrong that the victims
family must sign away their rights upon filing as
claimants when they do not know what their award will
be. There should be a fair hearing of each victims
family, because individual circumstances are

The victim was a true American who got up early on
September 11 to vote in the primary election before
going to work. He believed in his country and he died
for his country. He deserves much better than what the
Fund is offering.

Thank you for taking this into consideration.

Individual Comment

September 11 Email: Date



“dojN002095.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed July 4, 2024,