September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

Tuesday, January 15, 2002 10:55 AM
victim compensation fund

Dear Mr. Zwick:

My name, Mr. Zwick, is . My fiancé and I
worked at ,One World Trade Center. Floor. One World
Trade is gone, as is my . I am here able to write you simply because we
were leaving for Bermuda on Sept 12th,to wed on Saturday Sept 15th. I
decided to stay home that fateful day to take care of last minute wedding
plans. Unfortunately went to work that day and perished with my
friends and co-workers of 13 years and all the others who are lost.
I understand the Victims Comp Fund is only recognizing next of kin in the
fund distribution. Had it been four days later I would indeed be next of
kin as would my 5 year old daughter, . lived with us since 1999,
and contributed to our home. We had a beautiful life and future planned
together, that was suddenly ripped from us. His life and heart were here
with and I; as were his bills and expenses. His future income would
have come here to his family as he knew it; as he chose it.
There are many in similar situations, fiancés and domestic partners. Your
decisions should not be a blanket black or white, but based on each
individual case where there is a doubt. Other charities have openly
recognized the suffering in these instances and have helped, I implore you
to be wise and help also. We do exist, we suffer, we have lost our future
as planned with our perspective partners, must we also go un recognized in
the plan to compensate our loss. Loss of love, companionship, parenthood
and income, we suffer this even more than the parents whom they have not
lived with for many years. We are the ones who must rebuild our households
and finances. I too deserve to be recognized as a victim of this murderous
Our leaders should have the capacity to deal justly in these matters, to
witness all who have suffered.

I wish to thank all on the committee for your consideration in this
matter. Open your hearts, listen to our stories, listen to your
conscience..... Your burden is a heavy one and will affect real lives for
many years to come. Please take the e extra time to judge fairly. I

Individual Comment

September 11 Email: Date



“dojN001616.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed October 5, 2024,