September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

Tuesday, March 19, 2002 4:31 PM

Dear Mr. Zwick,

I was totally outraged when I read that the Sept. 11 Fund would NOT be
compensating the partner's of gay men and women that were killed in the
attack on the WTC. How can anyone, in good conscious, provide money for
fetuses & illegal aliens but not gay men & women. You call this America,
the land of the free? I have to laugh every time I hear people say that
attack united us-it did not unite us all-it united those that fit
certain criteria & apparently gays are not included. They are considered
less than human. Let us not forget that they pay taxes like everyone
else does in this country. They love, they hurt, they feel, they grieve
just like anyone else. Yet-you are going to allow their partner's to be
treated with less respect than their neighbor. I am ashamed to say that
I am American when this is allowed to happen. It was ok that several gay
men died in the attacks & that one in particular willing gave his life
to save others but he is nothing in your eyes. That is sad, that is real
sad. How can you & the people at the Sept 11th Fund sleep at night
knowing that you are allowing this to happen?

What a disgrace this country is.....

Individual Comment

September 11 Email: Date



“dojR002226.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed September 20, 2024,