September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

Wednesday, February 06, 2002 9:18 AM
Thank you!

I am writing to you at this time as I am appalled and ashamed that my fellow
Americans are becoming greedy over what they feel is due them from other
taxpayers of this great nation!

I agree with the governments handling of this fund and the disbursements
that have been recommended; something that I do not often do.
After having viewed some excerpts of a meeting on CNN with Mr. Feinberg and
some of the families that suffered a tragic loss on the 11th of September, I
could not help but think how very greedy these people are and their
eagerness to profit from a loved ones death. I believe in my heart that
what is being offered is indeed "the best deal in town" and that they are
lucky to get it!

When this tragedy occurred, I like many other people went without the luxury
of dining out, spending needlessly on items that I did not need but only
wanted, in order to send (large) checks to the American Red Cross and a fund
to help the families of the firemen & policemen who risked their lives to
save others.

And now, it pains me to see these very same families greedily reaching out
to line their pockets with whatever funds can me made available to them.
My parents have crossed over and when they died, both early in their lives,
we felt and still feel, very lucky that our family and friends came together
to help us to bury them. We did not search out, in vain, in attempts to
pilfer any other coffers.

When my 19 year old cousin was murdered and we watched the man who killed
her walk away due to "insufficient lack of evidence", we went on with our
lives. We were angry and frustrated with the system, yes! But, we did not
look to sue the government or anyone else for this wrongful crime. Instead,
we held our heads high and went on with our lives.

I really hate to make this correlation, but I feel that I need to.....didn't
the terrorists state that they were attacking America due to her peoples'
greed and materialism? Are these families not demonstrating just that?
Again, I am ashamed at their antics!

Please keep my name anonymous, albeit, this will be received by your office
with my e-mail address, I beg you not to publish it since I do not want any
retaliation from these greedy people or their families!

May God bless us and keep us safe!

Thank you!

An American taxpayer/Illinois voter/sympathizer

Individual Comment

September 11 Email: Date



“dojP000419.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed September 20, 2024,