September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

Wednesday, March 13, 2002 11:18 AM
response to 9/11 Fund to Discriminate Against Gays

Dear Sirs:

I am writing in reference to the attached e-mail stating that the 9/11 fund for victims and their families will not recognize the life partners of homosexual victims and heroes unless their current state legislation recognizes same-sex unions/partners.  But, the attached e-mail states that families of illegal aliens in this country who were affected by the 9/11 tragedy WILL receive benefits from the fund.  How can you stand for such an atrocity?  Have we learned nothing from 9/11?  In the wake of this horrible attack on our country and it's citizens, workers and volunteers of every ethnicity, religion, socio-economic background, and yes, sexual preference pulled together to help their fellow man & woman.  I personally even had Canadians visiting the resort town I live in stop by and purchase American flag window stickers "in support of our American friends".  People showed the charity, concern, and sense of brotherhood that truly shows the spirit that this country was founded on.

But now, as we continue to try to heal and rebuild, you are going to allow separatism and discrimination to rear their ugly heads in the guise of "we don't want to get caught in the middle"?  Shame on you.  Shame on you for not standing up and shouting that ALL men are created equal, and deserve equal treatment, regardless of their personal preferences, religions, or ethnicity.  It all goes hand in can't have one without the other.  How are we to truly heal from this experience if all are not included in the healing process?  Please do what you were appointed to do...lead by example.  Show the country and the world that ALL Americans are sheltered under the wings of justice, and we don't leave ANY of our own out in the cold.

Thank you,

Individual Comment
Myrtle Beach, SC 

September 11 Email: Date



“dojR000610.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed October 4, 2024,