September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

Sunday, January 20, 2002 2:14 PM

(no subject)

There is no question that September 11th affected our entire nation.
However, I am particularly close to one of the families that directly
lost a loved one who was innocently working at the World Trade Center.
Four months later, one of the strongest characteristics of my lost
friend that I have committed to memory was his dedication to his family
- a wife and two young children who are almost 3 yrs old and 9 months
old, respectively. We all have made a vow to honor his memory by helping
to see that the plans and dreams that he and his wife had set out for
their family continue to come true despite his absence. I appeal to you
today to do the same - as an American, and as a decent human being.

I find several problematic areas as it relates to the relief aid to
families from the Victims Compensation Fund. First, its calculation
should be based on up-to-date New York Earnings Tables which accurately
reflect the earnings potential of these victims. Second, the cap on
compensation and the rights that victims must give up in order to
receive this disproportionate award are inconsistent and insulting.
Third, collateral offsets, such as life insurance, and pensions... should not
be subtracted from the compensation awards to these families.

No amount of compensation can bring my friend back to his family.
However, I insist that it is my responsibility as his friend and YOURS to
make every effort possible to ensure that the intentions that he and his wife
shared for their family
come close to being met. The more assistance that we can bring to these
families, the more we are doing our part to help the surviving spouse to
remain focused on seeing their dreams through to reality. In your
capacity, I emplore you to modify the terms and conditions for family relief
to the vicitims of September 11th.


Individual Comment

September 11 Email: Date



“dojN002128.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed September 19, 2024,