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September 11 Email: Body

Wednesday, November 07, 2001 1:55 PM
"War" Victims

What about considering the victims of the Sept 11th attacks as victims of
war? What does the US provide to the survivors of those who have died in
battle? Are the benefits from the proposed September 11th Victims
Compensation Fund going to be MORE than what is given to the survivors of
armed forces' members who are killed while in service to the country?

I am not a veteran, nor are any of my immediate family. I just find it
beyond comprehension that the government would allocate tax resources to
compensate the Sept 11th victims' families at a higher level than those who
have "signed up" and died defending our country.

There are veterans groups and other non-profit organizations that address the
gap which exists between government services provided and what is ultimately
needed. (An argument can be made that some of these "gaps" are still
unaddressed. That is a different issue.) Those efforts should continue to
be governed by the laws regulating 501(c)3 organizations.

September 11th was a horrible horrible thing. I cannot imagine the grief I
would feel if one of my loved ones were killed in the towers or on one of the
egregiously-used airplanes - or one of the FDNY or NYPD who died in the line
of duty. However, we must use good judgment and apply a sense of fairness to
the compensation being ascribed to the victims' families.

Individual Comment
Fort Myers, FL

September 11 Email: Date



“dojW000256.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed September 18, 2024,