September 11 Digital Archive






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LC Story: Story

Sitting in my favorite chair in my living room in Upstate New York. Just watching the morning news with Katie Couric and gang.

LC Story: Memory

My strongest memory of that day was viewing the second aircraft coming into view. Up till that point the discussion was what type of aircraft had hit the first tower, and whether it was an accident, or worse. As the reporter was discussing that topic, it became clear that this jetliner, going at what appeared to be full speed, was going to fly straight into the second tower. And then it did....

LC Story: Affects

I am still struggling to come to terms with this terrible attack. It is now January 2004. Having served in the military, as have many of my own family and relations, and with 1 family member serving right now, a sense of resignation that whatever the reason for the attack, as well as what may happen to the world community as a result of it, we have every right, even a responsiblity, to seek out our attackers. Justice will be served, just as surely as we live and breath.


“lc_story205.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed May 3, 2024,